But why?

But why would I revive this supposed April Fools joke? Why put in the effort? Well, I have always had an interest in all things that are older than I am. I cannot describe nor fathom why that is, but it just is. When I first discovered what Geocities was, I fell in love. It was a reflection of a time gone by. It was interesting in just how different everything was. We, as in people my age, cannot understand or even comprehend a time before the internet became a big thing. Before most people understood that you can make money from the internet. Before major corporations stepped in. It feels as if The Internet was a wild west of sorts. I have no memory of these times because I was a little baby at the time. But oh how I wish sometimes to experience this wild west internet. You, the reader, might be wondering why I am telling you this. Well, in September of 2022 Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale and Deltarune, made a sweepstake event. For the event, he created an early 2000's themed site. This site was filled to the brim with mysteries and other smaller websites to explore. I fell in love with it in an instant. I was inspired to make my own site but didn't know how. Buying a domain would cost me money and I didn't want to ask my dad to do it because then he'd have expectations. So I forgot about it. All the awe I experienced exploring the 2000's themed websites was lost. And then, in February of 2023, I discovered the Geocities archive. And that is how we are here. This site is me. This site is a reflection (or at least will be a) reflection of my interests, hobbies, life, and maybe even one day, a way to express my ideas. But all that is for the future. I hope you, whoever you are, enjoy my site! Or at least you had fun laughing at my expense.