The Current State of the Internet
(And why I despise it)
I have a love for old things. I don't know why or when it started, but something about old Soviet-era cartoons, old websites from the 1990s, Victorian-era machinery, etc., interests me. The old internet in particular has become a weird obsession of mine lately. I love looking through the internet archive of Geocities, and I absolutely loved Noelle's blog from the Spamton Sweepstakes. I love learning old internet lingo, reading blog posts on long-abandoned blogs, looking through long-forgotten forums, etc. I mean, have any of you heard about webrings? I fucking didn't, but it turns out they are still a thing! Something about the amateur look, the dated visuals, and the attitude of the people on message boards and forums just entices me to go further and further. Now I must state something before I continue this rant. I never knew the old internet; I was too young to experience it, and I got a laptop in 2018, far too late to experience this old wild west era of the internet. The internet now (at least to me) seems to be a far cry from what it once was. It is a corporate hellscape of ceaseless advertisements and nonending hate. There are a lot of articles written by people who are way smarter than I am. I implore you to scroll down to the bottom of this rant and read the articles I have linked. When I talk about "the current state of the internet," I am mainly referring to the core web. The coreweb is, to my understanding, the biggest part of the internet. Now, all of you know that I am not the most social person; far from it. (By the way, if you don't know me, how the fuck did you get here?) I have, at least for most of my life, not used the big social media platforms. It was only fairly recently that I acquired accounts on those social media sites. I have left most of these social media sites (with the exception of Instagram and Discord because I need some way to communicate with the outside world) for the sake of my mental health. I recommend you do the same. The core web is irrevocable. I urge you to visit sites on the peripheral web. Join message boards, make a blog, a forum, anything. Another thing that bugs me is the normalization and uncaringness for hate on the coreweb. Why should these social media sites regulate hate? They make money from hate. This rant sounded better in my head. This rant makes me look like an idiot, but I don't give a shite. This is my site; I get to be as dumb as possible on here. I don't care for cringing or being embarrassed; I just want to talk about shit I like. I wish all of you the best.
  • The shit you should actually read