Updates on the situation in 2 and elaborating on 3
So it's been a while since I posted 2 and 3. It is currently 05/10/23. So my opinions have changed regarding 2. I have participated in the Second Volume of the SABIS SUN MUN and this time I was rewarded for my work, I won the award for Best Debater. Turns out, the chair in the first Volume of the MUN was just shit (Look out for the chairs named Ajabrail). The new chair was actually more professional than the last one and didn't give out awards based on connections. I will admit that I was friends with the new chair. However, I have specifically asked him after the first day of the MUN to give me awards based on merit rather than friendship. If you need proof, I will send you the screenshots. The use of ChatGPT still bothered me BUT I just learnt not to care. The other delegates who received awards seemed actually competent and the competition was fierce. I refrained from the use of devices this MUN except for when writing my resolution paper. I used a copybook to write down notes and such. All of my notes were in Khuzdul because I hate people peeping at my copybook. Now that I am done with the update on 2, I must now talk about 3. 3 is embarassing. I wrote it after coming back from a meeting with friends and I will admit that I was a bit tipsy while writing it. I was at a low point and I just felt like shit. I had nobody to vent to so I decided to just write it here. That being said, I will not delete it. I am aware of how pathetic it makes me look and I am aware of how embarassing it is. But that is kind of how life is. No man is perfect as such I shouldn't always try to keep up this perfection. This site is imperfect. As I am writing this, only a handful of people have seen it. I am not sure they are even checking up on this site anymore. So anyhow, I will end this rant with a quote by Marcus Aurelius, “Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretence.” (I am too lazy and tired to grammar check this rant. I am not going to run it through an AI. I want to learn from my mistakes, so that I can improve. If I am to use an AI, I am simply giving up an opportunity to proofread and correct myself.)